We can together pull the poorest of poor of Muslims up and Transform their Lives
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Education to empower and transform a Zakat-taker to Zakaat Giver

Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) guarantees that Allah makes it easy to enter the Paradise for those who seek and distribute knowledge

Economic Empowerment is the first step to all other doors. Increased Muslim Share in Professional Workforce

Bringing together people from all walks of life to educate, motivate, inspire and instill confidence in our young generation and pull out from negativity and Darkness

Fundraising for the people and causes you care about

Better Light a Candle than Curse the Darkness

students sponsored for Diploma and Paramedical from 2010- 2023

girl students sponsored Free at Madarsa-cum-regular school

Std. 8 – Std 10th students provided Free Coaching

Latest Blogs

A place where start new life with peace
It is a well-known fact that when any discussion on lead generation takes place, quality conquers over the measure. Though it is clearly known fact that people do not like

We can make a difference in families lives
It is a well-known fact that when any discussion on lead generation takes place, quality conquers over the measure. Though it is clearly known fact that people do not like

Build school for poor childrens
It is a well-known fact that when any discussion on lead generation takes place, quality conquers over the measure. Though it is clearly known fact that people do not like

Creating Personal Connection and an opportunity for Mentorship to the Beneficiary – The better way to doing Charity and earning Sadaq-e-Jaaria
Abu Hurairah (RA) reported that the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said, ‘When a person dies, his deeds come to an end except for three: Sadaqah Jariyah (a continuous charity), or knowledge from which benefit is gained, or a righteous child who prays for him




![Allah will never change the condition of a community until they change it themselves [Quran, 13:11]<br>](https://biharanjuman.com/wp-content/plugins/gavias-oxpitan-themer/elementor/assets/images/icon-heading.png)
Allah will never change the condition of a community until they change it themselves [Quran, 13:11]
Join Hands now with BA to do something mening ful work with the most vulnerable section of society and help prevent school droputs through “ Rahbar Coaching Centres in various districts of Bihar and Jharkhand”. Also establish an educational opportunity for Girls who are the most disadvantaged and extremely probable to be left behind through Rahabar-e Banat” a modern Amdarsa -cum School.Then using this seed Human Capital to identify meritorious and needy students for sponsorships towards either a Diploma Engg. Or a ParaMedical Courses in a Government. or a Private institute. Providing the quickest pathway to seek a fulfilling Job and feedback into the family to support other siblings and perhaps future BA supporters and flame bearers.

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